Thursday, December 31, 2009

God, Orphans, Love.

As Many of you already know I have been e-mailing back and forth with a man and his wife who run an orphanage in Thailand. Mark and I are so excited for what God is going to do in us. Since We have been talking about it many of our friends have come up to us and want to join us. I am telling them to pray about because this is something you have to be ready for and something that you have to be risking it all for and willing to do all that God wants. I have recently discovered that I no longer care about the trials I am being put through or how much I am being attacked by satan because this only means that I am Following God and I will continue to do so for all of eternity. His Love is Better than Life. Than Life in all it's Joys and in life in all it's Pain. God is

to Mold into the person he needs and wants me to be to do his will for my life. And I am continuously seeking after Him to Hear Him and to Feel Him and See Him. It is so awesome to see God not Just working in Mark and Mine's Life but also In the Lives That Surround us. We are Truly Blessed by Our Maker to Be simply breathing We Are Tremendously Blessed Because we have a home, a family, and a Heart for Those who Don't.

So Here are a few videos that are So awesome..
I hope you enjoy them as much as I did.

Isaiah's Story

Thursday, December 3, 2009


Today Was Very Uneventful.

Sometimes I Just Need A Day To Sit with My Family and Laugh.
Although the only People I Am laughing with are David and Danielle.
it's Still Family.
I Have Begun to Search for Places Where I can somehow help
children/babies in need.
Mostly I have found orphanages which would be awesome!

The first Orphanage I went to Thailand and it was an AIDS orphanage..
I wish we had gotten to stay longer because those babies touched my heart
like no other.
To Be Honest, I never wanted to leave.
The workers were showing mark and i rooms
that they wanted us to stay in.
I Wish i knew where and what it was called... i would go back
in a second.
I Remember meeting one little girl in particular names
Bow. She was beautiful and for some reason We bonded
automatically. I Wish i could have taken her home.
I get sad when I think about it because I wonder
if she's still here...
Well That's where my Heart is right now.
I Would get up and leave everything if God
told me he wanted me in an orphanage
in some third world country.
But For right now I just have to keep praying and seeking.
On Tuesday Muscle Mike told me that God speaks through
multiple ways but it takes us actually listening.
We can say we're waiting on the Lord all we want
but if we only wait a minute for His answer then
we're really getting no where.
All I know is God told me to "Go"
and I don't know where that is but
I know this incredible need and want I have to
take care of these children is not from me.
I Will give up everything to help them.
No Matter the cost.

So God Here I am.

Speak, For Your Child is Listening.

"I Will Not Leave You as Orphans, I Will Come To You." John 14:18

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Life Groups

I Am Teaching my Life Group Today and I am talking about where God is When He is silent.

I have been wanting to Use This Poem by Bradley Hathaway for A long Time and I'm So glad That I finally Get To.

So Here It Is::

Silence By Bradley Hathaway:

What's Happening Here?
I Was Once So Alive and Now...
I'm So Full of Dread and Almost Dead.
Show Me Your Wounded Head That Has Led to Communion With The Father.
But Where did He Go?
His Presence Seems Farther and Farther Away Each Day, But I'm Trying so Hard to Steer His Way.
Yet Still, Lonely and Confused on This Cold, Hard Ground I Lay.
Speak to Me Wise Mouth and Say;
"It's All Good Kid, It's Nothing That You Did,
And though it Feels Like I'm Not Here With You Right now Just Be Still and Silent and Listen for That Sound...
Did You Hear it?
Listen Agian.
Did You Hear it?
That Silent Voice that Just Spoke Nothing, that is Me.
I'm Listening to Your Plea with Open Ears, Counting All your Tears Flowing From Your Irritated Eyes, Searching the Skies, Looking for That Hope That Beyond There Lies.
Oh You, Young Worrisome Sparrow, Find Rest!
Lay Your Battered Head Upon my Omnipresent Breast and Make It Your Nest.
No Strong, Cold Wind could Ever Blow and Carry You from This Your Home.
Look Around, See The Life Shooting Up from the Ground?
Spring Colors Springing Forth in Celebration of This, Your Trusting.
It's a Constant Process this Is.
Growing You into the Man That You Are to Become.
But when you Sense the Setting of the Sun know It is Only Rising and Has Just Begun.
Now Go Forth, Sing Songs of Faith, and Lift Up Others in the Midst of This Race.
And If You can't Keep the Pace or Lose Sight of My Face, Just Know that I Am always Near So You Need Not Fear.
But Don't Worry About All That Right Now.
Just Sit Her and Enjoy the Peace i Offer in My Silence.
When I Am Silent, I am Listening and Not Abandoning.

"So Do Not Fear, For I Am With You; Do Not Be Dismayed, For I Am Your God."
Isaiah 41:10

"God is Our Refuge and Strength, an Ever-Present Help in Trouble." Psalm 46:1

"I Will Never Fail You, I Will Never Abandon You." Hebrews 13:5

Monday, November 30, 2009

I Will Go.

You are Whispering to my Heart.

It Pounds at the Familiarity of Your Voice.
It was Longed for You, Yearned for Your Presence.
And now You Are here.
I am so Overjoyed, so Overwhelmed.
I Do not know what to do.

So I Will Listen.
And to my Heart You Say...
You Must Go!!
I Will Go... Live to Feed The hungry, Stand beside the Broken... I Will Go!

To Bleed is To Bleed

So These last few weeks have been filled with struggle and joy.

1. I got into a car accident.
2. We had to use the school money to buy a new car
1. There are so many others who have it worse than I do
and I am blessed to be where I am, with the people I have.
2. Adam and Katie went to Rwanda to bring home
their Beautiful, wonderful baby boys.

I am realizing my love for children.
I can't put this into words right now..
and I don't think it is the right time.
And I have recently discovered that
I am so sick of sitting here
waiting for life to just happen.
I'm going to make it happen.
Now, I am only waiting on the Lord.

Lastly... I wrote this
on November 23, 2009

I Wake up from a Night of Restlessness, my Mind just won't Stop.
When Will I get Rest from This?
This thinking Ticks like A Clock.
I've taught myself to Remember, but at the Same time to Forget.
I Remember all the Things to cause my Blood to Spill, but Forget about All The Good things God did.
I Grab the Closest Blade- No Matter what it is.
And as I begin to Tare, to Slice, I feel no relief and All I See is Blood.
There is no Pain, Nothing Triggers in my mind.
Just The Response of how Can you Do This?
The Others, They're not Blind.
As the Cuts begin to Burn and I begin to Breath, I realize it did Nothing... how did It not Help me?
It is This Moment I will Always Remember... This Moment When These Cuts are just Cuts and this Blood is Only Blood.
When I Realize that it is Not My Blood but His that can trigger my mind.
When will I Learn to Accept His when I want to accept Mine?
This Journey I will Embark on, This Risk I will Take.
If I don't Accept The Blood of Christ it will only be My Mistake.
So as I say I am Sorry for What I have Done, I Accept His Blood and This time I Choose Not To Run.
I know Now that To Bleed is To Bleed, but to Choose Christ is to Be Forgiven.
And To Be Forgiven is to have A Second Chance.
I Won't Forget my Savior and I won't Forget His Son.
For to Bleed is to Bleed but To Choose Christ is to Have Won.

Monday, September 21, 2009

It's Been Too Long

One Day Soon I Will Come Face To Face With Jesus... What Will He Say About The Way I Lived My Life On Earth?

I'm afraid to put that question up because I don't Know how to answer it.
Lately Jesus has seemed so far from me. It's Leaving me feeling hopeless.
And it's hard because All I have is my husband and it's not like he's not enough
it's just sometimes I wish I had a Girl To talk to.
I know this is just my ramblings... but It seems that writing is the only way
I can get it all out.
And Now that I want to I don't Have Words To Describe it.
It's Like
Being Stranded In a Desert with no Water or Food.
There is A Song That Reminds Me Of How Life Has Been Lately...
here Are The Lyrics--

DESERT SONG by Hillsong United

This is My Prayer In the Desert
When All That's Within Me Feels Dry.
This is My Prayer In the Hunger and Need,
My God Is A God Who Provides.

And This is My Prayer In the Fire
In Weakness Or Trial Or Pain.
There is A Faith Proved
Of More Worth Than Gold.
So Refine, Lord Through The Flames.

And I Will Bring Praise
I Will Bring Praise.
No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Remain.
I Will Rejoice, I Will Declare
God Is My Victory and He Is Here.

And This is My Prayer in The Battle
When Triumph Is Still On Its Way.
I Am A Conquerer And Co-Heir With Christ
So Firm on his Promise I'll Stand.

I Will Bring Praise, I Will Bring Praise
No Weapon Formed Against Me Shall Remain.
I will Rejoice, I Will Declare
God is My Victory and He Is Here.

All Of My Life, In Every Season
You Are Still God, I Have A Reason To SIng
I Have A Reason To Worship.

This is My Prayer In The Harvest
When Favor and Providence Flow.
I Know I'm Filled To Be Emptied Again
This Seed I've Received I will Sow.

Though I Suffer, He Is Good, HE IS GOD.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009


We Missed You!!!!!!!


I Wish I Was Different.

I Wish That All Those Things That Caused Me 
To Be The Way I Am Today Would Change
And Cause Me To Be Someone Else.
I Wish That People Wanted To Know Me.
But They Don't.
I Wish People Took The Time To Understand...
But They Don't

Monday, July 27, 2009

Again Today... One Last Time.

Mark, Jessie, and Krista<3

Today was definitely a busy day. But It was Fun<3
-Runs to 7-11
-Walks down Streets
-Picture Fun

Beautiful Day<3

"During a Severe Testing by Affliction, Their Abundance of Joy and Their Deep Poverty Overflowed into the Wealth of their Generosity." 2 Corinthians 8:2

First Blog. Honesty.

It' s Actually been pretty hard these last few days

and God has Defiantly been hitting me in the face.
Last Monday I decided to finally go in to the 
E.R after having been up all night and in
very serious pain since the Saturday 
before. So anyways, I go in and 
I honestly just thought I probably
had some sort of bladder infection
and they do a cat-scan and then about an 
hour later A doctor comes in and takes
a seat in the chair that is next to my bed
and he tells me that I have 7 kidney stones
and a kidney infection. Three stones are in my 
left kidney and there are three in my right
and the seventh stone I am passing right now
which has blocked something and caused the 
kidney infection... I just got married..
and I have no insurance. Luckily, because I haven't
changed my name yet I am still covered under my 
parent's insurance. But the hard part about this whole thing
was that I was stuck in the hospital for a whopping four 
days. And I am so blessed because Mark Literally
stayed with me the whole time, Thank you Jesus.
But I am home now and as it turns out the infection
is gone and the Doctor said it could be years
before the rest of my kidney stones come out...
The downer? All this will happen all Over agian..
Yay. So, My faith has been really trying hard to 
hang in there but I know God is With Me. I know it
because even though I was sick I was taken care of
and even though it was hard because Mark and I 
just got married God willed us to Fight. Jesus is
so unexplainably Incredible. And We are officially
getting our own apartment with Bethanie Holdorf. P.s 
I Love her. And We Are packing right this second.

So I'm Done with My Babblings.
Just Like the Thought of having one of 

Praise God.

"As You Go, Preach This Message" The Kingdom of Heaven is Near. Heal the Sick, Raise the Dead, Cleanse Those who Have Leprosy, Drive out Demons, Freely You have Received, Freely Give." Matthew 10: 7-8